St John’s College (Hillcrest) St John’s College (Hillcrest)

Year 10 Drama

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs M. Hale.

The course covers all strands of the Drama Curriculum and offers the opportunity to express oneself and develop a wide range of communication skills. Students will develop their knowledge of the theories and practices of Drama in real-life contexts. Topics include scripting, theatre form, and creating a project of interest. 

What skills will I learn?
Students will learn the Techniques and Conventions of drama while increasing their confidence in verbal communication, presentation skills, and public speaking. Other skills this course fosters are teamwork, analysing, and self-management.

Assessment will be linked to the New Zealand Curriculum and each of the four strands: Developing Practical Knowledge in Drama, Developing Ideas in Drama, Communicating and Interpreting in Drama, and Understanding Drama in Context.

Course Overview

Term 1
Looking at the history of performance across the globe and selecting an area of interest to create a podcast about.

Term 2
The study of social media and content creation

Term 3
Writing and performing a script

Term 4
Attend and analyse live theatre and conventions involved in performance



					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Exercise book