St John’s College (Hillcrest) St John’s College (Hillcrest)

Year 10 Science

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Wood.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 Science

Science in Year 10 is based on the level 5 achievement objectives from the “Science in the New Zealand Curriculum” document. Throughout the year students will complete seven units looking into various aspects of:

The Living World
•Medical Science
•Genetics and Evolution

The Physical World
•Forces and Motion
•Electricity and Magnetism

The Material World
•Atomic Science and Metallurgy
•Acids and Bases

Planet Earth & Beyond
•Geology and Earth Science

What skills will I learn?
Science develops a student’s ability to investigate the natural world by making observations, gathering evidence to test ideas, modelling phenomena and communicating and debating with others.

End of Unit tests and internal assignments combined with an end-of-year exam.



					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$30 Scipad
1B5 Exercise book