St John’s College (Hillcrest) St John’s College (Hillcrest)

Level 2 History

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr P. Woodlock.

Recommended Prior Learning

10 Credits in Level 1 History or the equivalent in Level 1 external English.

This course is designed for students wanting to go to university and will be useful in whichever subjects at university students may be interested in. It has a lot of literacy reading and writing credits and so is a viable choice for those looking for alternative literacy credits.
The skills developed include, critical source interpretation, persuasive argument and evaluation. Critical source interpretation involves interpreting a range of sources, what are they saying? How useful is the source and how reliable or useful is it? This develops your ability to understand the world as it is rather than how others say it is. Persuasive argument. This is the ability to convince others with well articulated ideas explained well and backed up with comprehensive evidence. Evaluation. History also gives you the skills to analyse perspectives and ideas to evaluate their comparative validity and usefulness, which has a number of real-world applications.
Topics include the Russian Revolution, perspectives on the Vietnam War and a research task that will include trips to the University of Waikato Library.

Course Overview

Term 1
Achievement Standard: 2.1 AS91229 Version 2
Carry out an investigation of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders; Nuclear Free New Zealand.
Topics can include
The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior
The break down of ANZUS
New Zealand protest against French Nuclear testing
Waikato University Library trips Preferably week 5/6

Term 2
Complete Achievement Standard 2.2: AS91230 Version 2
Examine an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders; Nuclear Free New Zealand

Achievement Standard 2.4: AS91232 Version 2
Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders: Perspectives on Indo China/SEA conflict.
A look at New Zealand's involvement in the the Malayan Emergency, the Borneo Confrontation and the Vietnam War.

Term 3
Work on external assessments skills
Achievement Standard 2.3: AS91231 Version 2
Examine sources of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders
Achievement Standard 2.5: AS91233 Version 2
Examine causes and consequences of a significant historical event; The Russian Revolutions.
Practice exam
Exam debrief and things to work on.

Term 4


Social Sciences


Level 3 History

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

2B8 exercise book, Blue or Black pens, Ruler, Highlighters, Refill, Clearfile.