St John’s College (Hillcrest) St John’s College (Hillcrest)

Year 10 Te Reo Māori

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

Recommended Prior Learning


In Year 10 Te Reo Māori, you will be building your skills in this subject in order for your successful progression to NCEA Level 1. The following list are a sample of topics you will be covering. 

You will be able to:
- Talk about money, know days of the week, saying something has happened, use negative action sentences
- Talk about sport in Te Reo Māori
- Understand the significance of a marae by learning some common protocols and procedures when entering for a powhiri
- Talk about kai in Te Reo Māori by being able to follow a recipe while making the kai. There will be a field trip to a local cafe where you will be able to order a kai in Maori
- Study unit on Māori art by producing your own sample of a given art piece eg: carving, taonga pūoro

What skills will I learn?
Literacy and numeracy skills will be enhanced through writing, reading, counting and speaking in Te Reo Māori. Words and sentence structures are analysed and examined in depth to understand how these are able to form a sentence in Te Reo Māori. You will be able to converse in a short conversation in Te Reo Māori.

Throughout the year students will be assessed on their listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills to check for retention of learning. At the end of every unit students again will be tested to assess how students are tracking in that unit.


Te Reo Māori

Career Pathways

Communications Professional, Early Childhood Teacher, Primary School Teacher, Kaiwhakaako Māori, Private Teacher/Tutor, Secondary School Teacher, Teacher Aide

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

2B5 Hardcover
$30 - Education Perfect
Te Mātāpuna workbook - $10 (subsidised price)